Mr. Ismail Malik

Mr. Ismail Malik

Editor-in-Chief, ICOCROWD and Founder & CEO, Blockchain Lab

Ismail Malik, a self-styled ‘social engineer and PR Renegade’, is the Editor in Chief of the world’s foremost publication on Initial Coin Offerings — ICOcrowd, has over 20 years experience in technology related startups and entrepreneurship, and is among the leading experts in the blockchain field. In fact, Ismail has been recognized as part of the top-100 most influential people in blockchain by

Ismail is also the founder and CEO of Blockchain Lab, ‘supplychain on blockchains consultant’ for Chainx, crafts smart contracts on the blockchain for SmartLedger. He is a man of many talents, including a professional mastery of 5 languages, has a wide range of skills & expertise relating to blockchain & crypto, and regularly speaks at blockchain events.